And a million other things, of course.
Those other things include StoryShoutOut, childcare, hospitality, reading, counseling, studying, sleeping, exercising, teaching, cooking, procrastination, preparation, relaxation, worshiping, worrying…. Sorry, whew, I ran out of breath!
Flight is the working title/code name of my new manuscript. I started working on it this past year (and last Nanowrimo). My previous book, the one I was working on when I began this blog, has taken a backburner. (This is because the characters are stubborn and refuse to give me a coherent plotline. I think they are upset with me because I dragged them through Nanowrimo 2012).
What I can tell you about Flight right now is:
- The genre will be Science Fiction.
- The story will not be very long; one or two short books at the most.
- I really want to have the story done before I turn 24, so I have about a year and a half. That might seem like a long time, but if you take another look at the “million things” list above, you’ll understand better.
- Most of the research phase is done. Right now, I am working on character development. That mainly looks like short stories focused on each individual character, showcasing their past and present lives. I will be updating this blog as the work continues.
And so the Road goes ever on!
Post Tenebras Lux!
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